Wimper en Brow Benodigdheden
Wimper en Brow Benodigdheden
Prisma 59
3364DJ Sliedrecht
0184 633 050 - info@wimperenbrow-benodigdheden.nl


Ordered before 3 P.M.? Same day shipping. Free shipping from 75,-


Do you want to contact Wimper en Brow Benodigdheden? If you have any questions about products, an order or training, it is best to send an email to info@wimperenbrow-benodigdheden.nl, send a whats-app or fill in the form below and we will contact you within a maximum of 2 working days.



Wimper en Brow Benodigdheden
Prisma 59
3364DJ Sliedrecht
The Netherlands
Send us an app

Wimper en Brow Benodigdheden
Prisma 59
3364DJ Sliedrecht
T: 0184 633 050
F: +31 (0)184 42 48 32

KVK: 64891070
BTW-nr: NL002137754B43

  • Advanced payment convenience: